As a hotel business owner, topmost on your mind would be how to compel site visitors to make more bookings. You need a landing page. Your hotel rooms and aesthetics are exceptional, and so are your services, but you are yet to reach your marketing goals. This leaves you wondering why sales are moving slowly.
This might be because you do not make it seamless and easy for visitors to make bookings. You channel all your sales links to your homepage and social media pages.
Homepages are great, but they aren’t sufficient enough to get your visitors to make bookings. It’s the same with your social media pages, as they usually contain so many items and activities that may hinder a smooth purchase process.
On the other hand, landing pages are effective if you are trying to motivate your customers to take a specific action. This may include booking hotel rooms, exploring available room options, scheduling a meeting, or signing up for email lists.
Creating a high-converting landing page can be straight-up HARD. But when it comes to conversion rate optimization (CRO), it is an absolute must.
It can be so difficult to know what your potential buyers might engage with and which copy might get them to actually convert
In the digital era, the hospitality business needs advertising and promotion to attract new visitors. The modern realities of the tourism market industry oblige owners to have good-quality hotel sites. Hence, these landing page templates will be a great ready-to-use solution. Nowadays, people book everything by using the Internet, and a good site published on the Internet increases the chance to make a sale online.
Here are a few examples of Landing Pages:
- Landing

Landing should be one of your top choices when it comes to landing page templates. Using this template places the registration form visibly, to increase the chance of transforming the visitors of your website into leads. The landing page contains a relevant intro about your brand, accompanied by a beautiful call to action button.
This landing page template is a one-page only, which means that users will simply have to scroll down to get the information they need. It is one of the few free landing page templates that have such a simple look. The navigation bar sticks at the top no matter how far the visitor is scrolling, which is a convenient detail.
2. Meal

Meal is one of the free landing pages that has a pre-built theme. It can only be used by restaurants, as it has all the necessary features to present meals. It is a one-page template that uses transitions and off-canvas navigation. The food menu can be personalized according to the needs of the user (breakfast/lunch/dinner). Customers can also leave reviews and fill reservation forms. It can be integrated with Google Maps.
3. Pure

One of the best landing page templates you will find on the Internet, Pure is a great way to organize your products and services.
All businesses who want to start their lead-generating journey with the right foot should try this customizable template. It is suitable for all industries and navigation is highly efficient, making it a top choice among free landing page
4. Elevate

Your search for a WordPress landing pages theme is over with Elevate. This is a free landing page template that is meant to generate leads fast. The design is a clean, professional one that is suitable for businesses which sell products or services. It is a scalable template that goes well with all screen sizes.
5. Florence

Florence is great if you want the best level of scalability out there. Considering the huge number of mobile-exclusive users, it’s best to make your website accessible for all possible devices, regardless of the screen size. Florence is the exact landing page template you need in that situation. You set the page up once, and it fits all possible devices from that point further.
6. Accommodation

Accommodation is developed for hotels, motels, guest house and accommodation planning like Vacation Rentals, Homes, Apartments & Rooms for Rent and much more. This theme includes fully-functional inquiry and newsletter subscription forms; you only have to change the contact email address. This theme is designed also with One-Page Navigation, Font: Awesome Icon Font, Google Maps, Pricing Tables, Review Slider, Light Box Gallery and much more.
7. Travel In

Travel In Landing Template is for all kind of online traveling, air tickets and hotel booking Business Template. It offers awesome design, powerful display and built on HTML5 & CSS3, Bootstrap and much more.
Features Overview
- Slider Revolution
Create stunning slides with different animation effects easily with Revolution Slider - Owl carousel
Used Owl carousel for testimonials and logo slides, you can use it anywhere else. - Responsive Layout Design
The Renovation Template is fully responsive layout for all type of devices. - 8 Valid HTML Files
The Renovation template is coded with beautiful and clean codes! HTML files 100% valid W3 web standards. - Bootstrap Framework
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. - PHP Mailer
Forms are build in PHP mailer that can help users to get response from their sites.
8. Astra Hotel

Astra’s Hotel landing page template is an excellent choice for hotel websites, BnBs, and hotel-related businesses. It has a CTA button to add room booking option to boost your sales. You can add a full screen background image of your hotel with an impressive tagline to get users’ attention on the page.
The options are numerous but is your choice that ultimately matters. Make sure to choose the landing page template that suits your needs the best. The templates listed in this article are premium-like. Make great use of this information and select the landing page template that will amaze your website’s visitors.