
Manage your travel business seamlessly

Customized Google Dashboard just for you!

Customized Google Dashboard just for you!

Financial analysis, operational reports, bookings & multi-cal all in one!

Easily Manage multiple properties/ units

Set up any reports or data that you would like, such as Bookings, OTA reports, re-marketing as well as financial reporting aspects.

Team Accounts and Deep Integrations

Set up and control access to sections, make team accounts and individual roles. Integrate with Google Data Studio to get customized monthly reports.

Very easy to use built Entirely on Google Sheets

Easily scale up as you add more units or properties, expandable and economical solution for most businesses. Google Sheets has a powerful scripting backed that allows any kind of customization to be integrated into Google’s other services - this caters to your businesses unique requirements

Ready to take your Property
business to the next level?
